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Monday, September 23, 2024

Service families - help us to better understand the needs, wants, and wishes of children, young people, families, and individuals overseas.

Service families, have your say!

Defence Children Services (DCS) has responsibility for the functions, in support of service families related to education and care, previously undertaken by Defence Children and Young People (DCYP). DCS provides a single focus for all issues related to Service children and young people, providing high-quality education at 22 schools and settings in locations around the world. DCS also directly supports Service families, providing advice on a wide range of educational, safeguarding and social care matters both overseas and in the UK.

On behalf of the Defence Safeguarding Partnership Board (DSPB), DCS are undertaking a Local Needs Analysis to inform the future delivery of social work, family support and personal support for all children, young people, families and individuals whilst both assigned and accompanying on overseas postings.

The existing social work and personal family support is provided through a contracted provision by British Forces Social Work Services (BFSWS) who seek to replicate UK (English) “statutory type social care support”. The DSPB wish to consider alternative delivery models to focus on early intervention, prevention and family/individual support, still ensuring the safety and protection of our most vulnerable individuals.

To help DCS consider what the support service needs to look like, we need the help of those who we seek to support. By completing the Local Needs Analysis Feedback Form, which should take no longer than 7 minutes, you can help to shape the future of social care, family support and personal support for you, your family and any entitled individuals overseas.

Please submit your forms by Friday 4th October 2024.